


  • cloud accounting

    Digitalisatie bij accountancykantoren

    This qualitative study investigates the extent to which Flemish accountancy firms have embraced digitalization.

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  • test angst

    Test anxiety fluctuations during low-stakes secondary school assessments: The role of the needs for autonomy and competence over and above the number of tests

    Test anxiety poses a fundamental educational challenge as it is not only associated with lower well-being but also with lower academic performance and an increased risk of early school dropout.

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  • A Little Push in the Back

    A Little Push in The Back: Nudging Students to Improve Procrastination, Class Attendance and Preparation

    This study investigates (1) the change in procrastination throughout a semester and (2) whether a nudging intervention can reduce procrastination, increase class attendance and class preparation, a

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  • Accountant and client

    Small and medium-sized accounting practices (SMPs): Explaining financial performance based on human capital and organizational resources

    This study investigates the differences in financial performance of small- and medium-sized accounting practices (SMPs).

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  • Covid

    The effect of COVID-19 on the well-being of first-year university students

    Past studies have found that university students’ well-being is relatively low, and that first-year students are specifically vulnerable.

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  • Social skills

    Fostering social skills in the Flemish secondary accounting education: perceived challenges, opportunities, and future directions

    The accounting profession no longer merely focuses on hard accounting skills, but also increasingly on soft social skills.

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  • chat gpt

    The ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Chatbot: How Well Does It Answer Accounting Assessment Questions?

    Open AI, an artificial intelligence (AI) research and development company, released the beta version of ChatGPT for public use on November 30, 2022.

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