Focussing on diverse student voice: unpacking teaching excellence and practice-oriented teaching
Save the date - AICPA&CIMA Faculty Hour – April 25, 2025, 2:00–3:30pm EST (7:00–8:30pm UK time). “Focusing on Diverse Student Voice: Unpacking Teaching Excellence and Practice-oriented
Past events
IAFA Teaching and Learning Day 2025
This keynote by Prof. dr. Patricia Everaert aims to showcase practical examples of infusing lectures with active learning methods.
Accounting Education Special Interest Group Conference, University of Leeds
Presentations - BAFA Accounting Education Special Interest Group Conference
The accounting education team will join the annual BAFA conference, as of May 28th until May 31st, 2024.

EAA Congres 2024
The accounting education team will join the annual EAA conference, as of May 15th until May 17, 2024.

Public PhD defense: Eva Blondeel
On Tuesday, March 12, 2024, Eva Blondeel presented her doctoral research during her public doctoral defense, earning a PhD in Business Economics.
Duga is ready! Are you?
"DUGA is ready! Are you?
Have you received your personal access code?
Teaching Effectiveness Global Webinar
Join us at the global webinar “Creatively reimagining the future of business education and research – a global dialogue” on the 15th of June!

EAA 2023 - Classroom session
Class Room Session, EAA 2023: How to introduce game elements in your class?
The accounting education team will join the annual BAFA conference, as of May 17th until May 20th, 2023.

Research visit Nick Mcguigan
Our Accounting Education Research Group had the honor to welcome Prof. Dr. Nick McGuigan (Monash University) for a two day research visit.

EARLI conference – SIG10, 21 & 25
In September 2022, Amelie presented the first paper of her PhD project at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) conference in Belgrade, Serbia.

Accounting Education SIG Annual conference 2022 (BAFA)
The accounting education team will join the annual BAFA conference, as of May 18th until May 20th, 2022.

Presentaties EAA Conferentie 2022
The accounting education team will join the annual EAA conference, as of May 11th until May 13th, 2022.
Public defense: Sharon Guaman-Quintanilla
Sharons' PhD defense takes place on wednesday May 4th. Her research is focused on design thinking in undergraduate students’ curriculum.

Accountant als partner in business
During this dissemination event, our recently graduated PhD Stefanie De Bruyckere (HOGENT & UGent) will explain how accountants can effectively cooperate with their clients SMEs. The focus wil

Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
The accounting education team will join the DEE conference (November 8-9, 2021).
During this conference, our team has the opportunity to present some of their recent research.

DEE Conference - Developments in economics education
The accounting education team will join the DEE conference, as of September 2nd until September 3th, 2021.

Presentations - European Accounting Assiociation Conference
The accounting education team will join the annual EAA conference, as of May 26th until May 28th, 2021.

Presentations - BAFA Accounting Education Special Interest Group Conference
The accounting education team will join the annual BAFA conference, as of May 19th until May 21st, 2021.